April 23rd, 2022
I have been lazy! Real freaking lazy. Lmfao. What are you gonna do about it? Jk! I can’t ask anyone to clean up my b*llsh*t and clothes. That’s my job. I made the mess. Wait, are you speaking metaphorically? Lol maybe. Maybe just speaking about the physicality of things. Who knows. I practically slept all day. Big oof. I could have done so much more. Cleaned the cage again, wash my d*mn clothes. Guys. It’s real bad this time. Let me tell you. I didn’t realize how much sh*t I was missing. Then you could say my floors could be done again too. There aren’t dishes or trash in my room I will say. So that don’t have to be done. Hasn’t been a problem.
I’ve been trying to keep up with the posting. It seems some days are better than others and I’m not the only one lacking here! You hear me?! Hahah! I’m jk. If I can’t make you laugh or smile it’s okay. I do my best. If anything today was a resting day.
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