Saturday, October 22, 2022

It's about to get crafty!

I just wanted to say I appreciate you so much. I had lost hope in helping. I figured there must be other ways to approach it. I couldn't figure it out. Since I have had so much time at home, I've started not only making scrapbook/ desk items but there's been one hobby since I was a kid that I haven't picked back up. It's been on my mind a lot lately. I've been hearing it a lot through my friends, family, social media, and everywhere. I swear it's been calling me. Believe it or not, it's crochet! I used to crochet beanies for the NICU babies back home when my sister had her first! I knitted as well but I really like the hook concept. Much simpler. Fewer things to carry so to say. I only need one hook instead of two needles. 

    It's been a nice outlet for me. Not only have I made more things I can count, but I can also take this wherever I go. Car anxiety is the worst, I can't get anxious if I'm not paying attention to anything outside of the car. Hahah! I have turned it into an addiction overnight. I'm not upset, T maybe a little bit, but it's okay! All of the bundles of yarn will be things soon! I've started with making my roommate's cat a hat! It turned out cute! The kitty loved it! Then I started on lighter/vape holders! They can be used to hold many more things. Some look like mushrooms with the tops, and the others just look like a vape necklace hahah! I couldn't have been happier when I saw how they all turned out! I'm going to start selling the items I crochet, so stay tuned for more! I'm going to also keep updating the look and make this better to use. Start making sections for my patterns and makes! I call 'em' smiler gifts! Don't forget about Etsy! @unwindingmadness
I might start posting patterns I make too, for free! What do you think? Comment below!

Friday, July 22, 2022

Exploding what?

June 19th, 2022

    So I have gotten this idea that I’m going to surprise T with an exploding box. I grabbed everything from my house and started working on it. I even created a template and instructions guide since I made one before. Plus I couldn’t find the website that I used years ago so that was a super bummer. I honestly didn’t want to read a million different ways to do it. I just wanted the measurements to be honest. Make sure it was going to come out correctly. Other than that though I figured you guys might want to try! Should I make a tutorial for you? Maybe for that special someone to show them you care? I started creating this one just for the simple fact I want T to know how much he means to me and how he affects my day-to-day life. He makes it so much better. He makes my life so much easier. This is something he can sit on his desk. Interact with. He can see it anytime. 

   I’m not even going to lie. You already know that I’ve been going through a depressive phase again. I’ve been trying to do things that interest me to get out of it. I do know T can make me smile anytime and doing something for him makes me motivated and helps me get out of this depressive episode. Gets me doing something I like but also something to make him smile. Just as much as he makes me smile. 

Let me know if I should make another one and have you guys see the process and you can start creating too! More smiles for everyone 🥰 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

An Enneagram Guide.

 June 17th, 2022

So I started reading this book, it’s pretty cool. I may or may not suggest it. If you do want a good cheap find for a book, “Take Care of Your Type” -Wilcox. I’ve picked this one up at Five Below to be completely honest. I always find eye-catching books in there. They have a bunch of tarot things, crystals, dreams books, healing, business strategy, kids books, and so much more. This one in particular is talking about each enneagram type. How they think. What best helps them. What words of affirmation to use. What coping mechanisms work best. Different types of self-expression. It starts with idealists. Would you guys like for me to give little insights on the book and tips? Comment below!

Don’t forget to like and follow me on the media too! 

Insta: @laurenecorbitt

Fb: @unwindingmadness

TikTok: @unwindingmadness

Twitch: @unwindingmadnessblog

Snapchat: @peachychick7

P.S. - I am going to start making videos for youtube and start going live on social media. So stay posted. I’m going to be answering any questions you may have and just talking to the community in general! Thank you for all of your support! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I can be proud of myself.

 June 16th, 2022 

    It was such a good day! We left early as mess today. We had to get some green, if you know what I mean. Then we decided since we were out and about we might as well get everything else done. So of course we stopped to see the bunnies and play with them. We came home and I worked on the blog. I honestly have been putting it off. I had to catch up. I posted a bunch. Did more marketing. 

    I forgot to tell you too! I’ve started trying to eat healthier. Actual home cooked meals. It’s been very nice. T man is more than amazing. He never fails to get me to eat. He’s always trying to cook or make me something. No matter the time of day. I’m still working to get up to three meals a day. As well as getting it on a good normal eating schedule. Lmfao. Working on it. 

    Overall my mental state is starting to become more stable. Within the last past month I’ve noticed I haven’t had a manic episode. I am SO proud of myself you have no idea. How are you doing? What have you been doing to cope?

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Fun errand run...

   June 15th, 2022

It was an early morning! Ate some breakfast. Smoked. Got ready for the day. Went out. Fed the buns, went to the vape store, Big Lots, and Five Below. Sometimes I get squishmallows from there. They have some pretty neato things in Five Below. This time I just so happened to grab snacks and a couple of books. I’m excited for these. I got them to better help you. So I can rebalance myself and have a healthier, happier life, as well as you too. I feel it will be good for both of us. Plus gives me more things to do in the meantime. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

I wasn't readyyyy"

 June 14th, 2022

It was a day. I woke up to take a nap. I wasn’t ready needless to say. We got some things done here after I woke up and left to check on things on my end. Finally got rid of all the TVs we didn’t need. Then skated for the night. We got some pretty cool content for you guys. We might have to reshoot though if the video doesn’t come out like I want. It’s okay though. We are learning. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

We are doers!

 June 13th, 2022

I worked a little bit doing things for the tiny houses. Worked on my business with T a little bit. Created another page. That’s always fun. It’s just a big jumbled mess for the time being but we are working on it. Along with everything else. For instance, my blog, talking to you, creating content, artwork, and you already know so much more. T on the other hand man he does everything. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. He cleans more than I do, as of right now, I help where I can. He makes his videos and does his editing. He streams. He cooks for everyone. Takes care of me time and time again. Forreal. I couldn’t have asked for better. 

Besides me going on about my love, I made some content for you guys. I went skating. Wasn’t expecting to really make it out to do it but we did. It was mad hot. We decided on the skate park this time. I recorded some videos of him skating and we tried getting a better video on the GoPro of my little dancy dance on my skates hehe. It didn’t turn out like I wanted. The beautiful sky changed quickly. We didn’t have much time to work but that’s okay. We shall try again! 

Saturday, July 9, 2022


 June 12th, 2022

I am up early this morning. I ended up talking to you, and finished some videos. I was so excited. Let me not forget. Even though I was hurting and didn’t want to do anything, T decided he had enough. Since it’s my time of the month, YAY, he knows I want my sweets. He made me get up, out of bed. To say the least. BEST DAY EVER. I swear. We went to the Orlando eye. I saw Build-A-Bear and had to go. They ended up having a cool sale on the bears. So we got two! I got them some clothes and of course my bun got some skates! 🥰 Stay tuned for pictures! I had so much building them with him. I think he had fun too. I hope so. My first. 🥺 Then we walked around some more and found the Sugar Factory! It was super cute in there too. We got a little bucket and filled her til she couldn’t fill anymore. We did get some pictures and created some content. It was much needed. Sometimes we just need to get up and move.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

MERRRrketing haha.

 June 11th, 2022

    This past week I’ve been doing hella marketing. Online. It’s unreal. My brain is fried.  I get a break today. I’m excited. 

    Hehe so update on the day… I passed out. I took me a lil nappy nap. Lmfao. I was done. Woke up hurting. We love lady life. 

    Besides all that I'm hoping I can go skating. create some content. Get some videos and pictures. Man I’ve been needing some. It’s been a while. I’ve been glued to my bed it feels like. T-man and I still have our fun times. We still get out and about. He was so excited when I joined the morning walk yesterday. 

Friday, July 1, 2022


 June 7th, 2022

I hate to say it but I am burnt out. I am tired. Still moving, but tired. It sucks but I have to keep going. I have been doing a lot of work out of town. The experience is great for a resume but at what cost? It’s been weighing on me. I hate it. Being so far away from my babies. I don’t get to see them much anymore. I hate it. They are always so excited when I come home. T gets a little sad when I’m gone all the time too. Makes me very sad. I hate it. It’s been eating away all of my free time. I’ve become more irritable with T. I hate myself for it. I get mad and punch my car. Seeing it like that makes me go insane. I’m just waiting on parts now. I’ve just been out of it. Mentally clocked out. 

Today, like i said, I’m still going. Even with given circumstances. We have worked a good compromise. I get to work from home more. So with that being there, you already know I worked all day.

Honestly, looking back on this day I had a mental break. In times like these it's good to reflect on what's happened, or happening, and why. Look at what you needed most in the trying time. Take time for space. Most importantly, breathe. It's okay to slow down. It's okay to relax. It's okay to need space. Take YOU time.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

"Move forward. Good things are ahead."

 June 3rd, 2022

I woke up extremely early and hot this morning. The AC froze up again. The poor guy has been out here like 5 times within the last month. Besides the bullsh*t from today we woke up pretty happy. Positive moods. I had to work out of town again today so T and I decided we were going to get ready for the day together. Have some “us” time. We made some breakfast for the girls. Blueberry muffins if you will. They were so good. It was by far one of the best mornings I’ve had in a while. 

It was so relaxing. T loves to help wash my hair and rinse it out and everytime he does I about fall asleep standing because it feels so good. He even made me a lunch to take with me for the day. Never has anyone ever. I felt so loved and appreciated. It’s the little things. I swear. 

Heheh back to business. After this splendid morning of course I had to go to work. This time it wasn’t anything to do with cars. It was with the tiny houses! I finally got all everything I wanted to do with the blog for his company approved so now I got some things to work on at home. Since I have to have my car fixed soon it’s high key crutial. So I’m getting things ready to be sitting at home. I’m not mad about it. Hehe. Marketing though is fun. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 If you're standing with me. I have a story to push the importance of this situation! This awful turn of events. Taking the rights away from women, our mothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, granddaughters, and so many more. How could we live in a country that's not truly free? How could we stand quiet? This is absolutely sickening.  Search "The unsaid and left on read" up in the search bar. Type your stories below. Share the post! WE WILL WIN THIS FIGHT! <3 STAY STRONG QUEENS. 

Donate to Aid Lauren & Tristan's Long Road of Recovery UPDATE: 12-11-2024      I have filed some Motions against the...