Saturday, October 22, 2022

It's about to get crafty!

I just wanted to say I appreciate you so much. I had lost hope in helping. I figured there must be other ways to approach it. I couldn't figure it out. Since I have had so much time at home, I've started not only making scrapbook/ desk items but there's been one hobby since I was a kid that I haven't picked back up. It's been on my mind a lot lately. I've been hearing it a lot through my friends, family, social media, and everywhere. I swear it's been calling me. Believe it or not, it's crochet! I used to crochet beanies for the NICU babies back home when my sister had her first! I knitted as well but I really like the hook concept. Much simpler. Fewer things to carry so to say. I only need one hook instead of two needles. 

    It's been a nice outlet for me. Not only have I made more things I can count, but I can also take this wherever I go. Car anxiety is the worst, I can't get anxious if I'm not paying attention to anything outside of the car. Hahah! I have turned it into an addiction overnight. I'm not upset, T maybe a little bit, but it's okay! All of the bundles of yarn will be things soon! I've started with making my roommate's cat a hat! It turned out cute! The kitty loved it! Then I started on lighter/vape holders! They can be used to hold many more things. Some look like mushrooms with the tops, and the others just look like a vape necklace hahah! I couldn't have been happier when I saw how they all turned out! I'm going to start selling the items I crochet, so stay tuned for more! I'm going to also keep updating the look and make this better to use. Start making sections for my patterns and makes! I call 'em' smiler gifts! Don't forget about Etsy! @unwindingmadness
I might start posting patterns I make too, for free! What do you think? Comment below!

Friday, July 22, 2022

Exploding what?

June 19th, 2022

    So I have gotten this idea that I’m going to surprise T with an exploding box. I grabbed everything from my house and started working on it. I even created a template and instructions guide since I made one before. Plus I couldn’t find the website that I used years ago so that was a super bummer. I honestly didn’t want to read a million different ways to do it. I just wanted the measurements to be honest. Make sure it was going to come out correctly. Other than that though I figured you guys might want to try! Should I make a tutorial for you? Maybe for that special someone to show them you care? I started creating this one just for the simple fact I want T to know how much he means to me and how he affects my day-to-day life. He makes it so much better. He makes my life so much easier. This is something he can sit on his desk. Interact with. He can see it anytime. 

   I’m not even going to lie. You already know that I’ve been going through a depressive phase again. I’ve been trying to do things that interest me to get out of it. I do know T can make me smile anytime and doing something for him makes me motivated and helps me get out of this depressive episode. Gets me doing something I like but also something to make him smile. Just as much as he makes me smile. 

Let me know if I should make another one and have you guys see the process and you can start creating too! More smiles for everyone 🥰 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

An Enneagram Guide.

 June 17th, 2022

So I started reading this book, it’s pretty cool. I may or may not suggest it. If you do want a good cheap find for a book, “Take Care of Your Type” -Wilcox. I’ve picked this one up at Five Below to be completely honest. I always find eye-catching books in there. They have a bunch of tarot things, crystals, dreams books, healing, business strategy, kids books, and so much more. This one in particular is talking about each enneagram type. How they think. What best helps them. What words of affirmation to use. What coping mechanisms work best. Different types of self-expression. It starts with idealists. Would you guys like for me to give little insights on the book and tips? Comment below!

Don’t forget to like and follow me on the media too! 

Insta: @laurenecorbitt

Fb: @unwindingmadness

TikTok: @unwindingmadness

Twitch: @unwindingmadnessblog

Snapchat: @peachychick7

P.S. - I am going to start making videos for youtube and start going live on social media. So stay posted. I’m going to be answering any questions you may have and just talking to the community in general! Thank you for all of your support! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I can be proud of myself.

 June 16th, 2022 

    It was such a good day! We left early as mess today. We had to get some green, if you know what I mean. Then we decided since we were out and about we might as well get everything else done. So of course we stopped to see the bunnies and play with them. We came home and I worked on the blog. I honestly have been putting it off. I had to catch up. I posted a bunch. Did more marketing. 

    I forgot to tell you too! I’ve started trying to eat healthier. Actual home cooked meals. It’s been very nice. T man is more than amazing. He never fails to get me to eat. He’s always trying to cook or make me something. No matter the time of day. I’m still working to get up to three meals a day. As well as getting it on a good normal eating schedule. Lmfao. Working on it. 

    Overall my mental state is starting to become more stable. Within the last past month I’ve noticed I haven’t had a manic episode. I am SO proud of myself you have no idea. How are you doing? What have you been doing to cope?

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Fun errand run...

   June 15th, 2022

It was an early morning! Ate some breakfast. Smoked. Got ready for the day. Went out. Fed the buns, went to the vape store, Big Lots, and Five Below. Sometimes I get squishmallows from there. They have some pretty neato things in Five Below. This time I just so happened to grab snacks and a couple of books. I’m excited for these. I got them to better help you. So I can rebalance myself and have a healthier, happier life, as well as you too. I feel it will be good for both of us. Plus gives me more things to do in the meantime. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

I wasn't readyyyy"

 June 14th, 2022

It was a day. I woke up to take a nap. I wasn’t ready needless to say. We got some things done here after I woke up and left to check on things on my end. Finally got rid of all the TVs we didn’t need. Then skated for the night. We got some pretty cool content for you guys. We might have to reshoot though if the video doesn’t come out like I want. It’s okay though. We are learning. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

We are doers!

 June 13th, 2022

I worked a little bit doing things for the tiny houses. Worked on my business with T a little bit. Created another page. That’s always fun. It’s just a big jumbled mess for the time being but we are working on it. Along with everything else. For instance, my blog, talking to you, creating content, artwork, and you already know so much more. T on the other hand man he does everything. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. He cleans more than I do, as of right now, I help where I can. He makes his videos and does his editing. He streams. He cooks for everyone. Takes care of me time and time again. Forreal. I couldn’t have asked for better. 

Besides me going on about my love, I made some content for you guys. I went skating. Wasn’t expecting to really make it out to do it but we did. It was mad hot. We decided on the skate park this time. I recorded some videos of him skating and we tried getting a better video on the GoPro of my little dancy dance on my skates hehe. It didn’t turn out like I wanted. The beautiful sky changed quickly. We didn’t have much time to work but that’s okay. We shall try again! 

Saturday, July 9, 2022


 June 12th, 2022

I am up early this morning. I ended up talking to you, and finished some videos. I was so excited. Let me not forget. Even though I was hurting and didn’t want to do anything, T decided he had enough. Since it’s my time of the month, YAY, he knows I want my sweets. He made me get up, out of bed. To say the least. BEST DAY EVER. I swear. We went to the Orlando eye. I saw Build-A-Bear and had to go. They ended up having a cool sale on the bears. So we got two! I got them some clothes and of course my bun got some skates! 🥰 Stay tuned for pictures! I had so much building them with him. I think he had fun too. I hope so. My first. 🥺 Then we walked around some more and found the Sugar Factory! It was super cute in there too. We got a little bucket and filled her til she couldn’t fill anymore. We did get some pictures and created some content. It was much needed. Sometimes we just need to get up and move.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

MERRRrketing haha.

 June 11th, 2022

    This past week I’ve been doing hella marketing. Online. It’s unreal. My brain is fried.  I get a break today. I’m excited. 

    Hehe so update on the day… I passed out. I took me a lil nappy nap. Lmfao. I was done. Woke up hurting. We love lady life. 

    Besides all that I'm hoping I can go skating. create some content. Get some videos and pictures. Man I’ve been needing some. It’s been a while. I’ve been glued to my bed it feels like. T-man and I still have our fun times. We still get out and about. He was so excited when I joined the morning walk yesterday. 

Friday, July 1, 2022


 June 7th, 2022

I hate to say it but I am burnt out. I am tired. Still moving, but tired. It sucks but I have to keep going. I have been doing a lot of work out of town. The experience is great for a resume but at what cost? It’s been weighing on me. I hate it. Being so far away from my babies. I don’t get to see them much anymore. I hate it. They are always so excited when I come home. T gets a little sad when I’m gone all the time too. Makes me very sad. I hate it. It’s been eating away all of my free time. I’ve become more irritable with T. I hate myself for it. I get mad and punch my car. Seeing it like that makes me go insane. I’m just waiting on parts now. I’ve just been out of it. Mentally clocked out. 

Today, like i said, I’m still going. Even with given circumstances. We have worked a good compromise. I get to work from home more. So with that being there, you already know I worked all day.

Honestly, looking back on this day I had a mental break. In times like these it's good to reflect on what's happened, or happening, and why. Look at what you needed most in the trying time. Take time for space. Most importantly, breathe. It's okay to slow down. It's okay to relax. It's okay to need space. Take YOU time.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

"Move forward. Good things are ahead."

 June 3rd, 2022

I woke up extremely early and hot this morning. The AC froze up again. The poor guy has been out here like 5 times within the last month. Besides the bullsh*t from today we woke up pretty happy. Positive moods. I had to work out of town again today so T and I decided we were going to get ready for the day together. Have some “us” time. We made some breakfast for the girls. Blueberry muffins if you will. They were so good. It was by far one of the best mornings I’ve had in a while. 

It was so relaxing. T loves to help wash my hair and rinse it out and everytime he does I about fall asleep standing because it feels so good. He even made me a lunch to take with me for the day. Never has anyone ever. I felt so loved and appreciated. It’s the little things. I swear. 

Heheh back to business. After this splendid morning of course I had to go to work. This time it wasn’t anything to do with cars. It was with the tiny houses! I finally got all everything I wanted to do with the blog for his company approved so now I got some things to work on at home. Since I have to have my car fixed soon it’s high key crutial. So I’m getting things ready to be sitting at home. I’m not mad about it. Hehe. Marketing though is fun. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 If you're standing with me. I have a story to push the importance of this situation! This awful turn of events. Taking the rights away from women, our mothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, granddaughters, and so many more. How could we live in a country that's not truly free? How could we stand quiet? This is absolutely sickening.  Search "The unsaid and left on read" up in the search bar. Type your stories below. Share the post! WE WILL WIN THIS FIGHT! <3 STAY STRONG QUEENS. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Times been flying

 June 2nd, 2022

Holy crap. It’s really June already??! May madness is over. Thank god. The past couple of days me and T have been getting things done around the house, more so to speak. Cleaning things up. Getting things sorted. Throwing out things. All of the works. Everything’s been looking so good I’m proud! Doing better at keeping the room and car cleaned out too. 

Besides cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning we have been up getting our businesses out there and running for some dollas. Hehe we’ve got about 8 different other hustles we can do. I’m more than excited. Hoping to help you more!

What she said.

 May 26th, 2022

    It's been a drag on me lately. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

SlingKings and more Slings

 May 25th, 2022

Day two of the detailing slingshots. I’m pumped and ready to get this out of the way and done. We got an idea of the madness yesterday so it was easier to sort them out. That was a relief. It made things less mind-boggling. T and I had fun and knocked them out super quick. Although a couple didn’t want to start, we still did what we could. 

The extra pictures, everything was all sent out and over and the job was done. Speaking of, I need to continue to update you here with pictures to every blog… should I post the pictures with the blogs each day or should I post them on a separate page? Or both? Opinions, please. XD And thanks.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Crazy man

 May 24th, 2022

Today was freaking crazy. T and I planned out the next three days cleaning and detailing the slingshots. Well, throw that whole idea away. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Then cram everything we planned for three days, into two, with more to do. Yay! It was detailing the time of the month for the slingshots so that's what I thought was going down in 3 days. A nice even split. 

Regardless, we knocked some of it out on the first day. More than I expected. We started late as mess. Still managed though. I was surprised to be completely honest lol. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Making memories.

May 23rd, 2022

It was a good day. I got another glow-in-the-dark stitch leather mini bookbag. I’m more than happy about it. T and I decided to kidnap the girls and go to Old Town. They got to go into the different stores. Check em all out. Look around the place. I believe they had a blast. Next time I want to take them all to Disney Springs, and if they just so happen to like it there… Maybe City Walk. It’s just so much they are missing out on! The looks on their faces were awesome.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Corporations right?

 May 19th, 2022

It’s freaking Thursday and boy was it a long one. “Sweet girl” is all I have had stuck in my head. Lmfao. Tik Tok. I have been working on content. To say the least. Skated some. I had gone to Four Corners to get some more work done on the tents. That was easy. I had the best help. I got it done rather fast. I was so excited about it. Slingshots need another wash soon too. So that’ll hopefully be fast too with some help. If I am blessed enough to get some. I’m sure I will be. Other than that, went to an adult store and found they need some help. I think I totally forgot to tell you guys about yesterday! I had applied for jobs not too long ago, West Gate Resorts had given me a call and needed me to come by for an interview. 

I ended up going in. Lmfao. I went. HEAR ME OUT. LMFAO. They told me they wanted an interview on a day that the place was closed for one. Two, I went to the main lobby to check-in, making sure I was in the right place. They tell me to go to the closed restaurant. Noted. Check that off of the list. I walk over there and just as I expected, closed. So I knocked on the doors, there was a restaurant next door, closed as well. So, my email finally connects. It said to go to Drafts, a restaurant in the front of the community. I go there and they send me home. The place is closed to come back tomorrow at the same time. I was okay with that. I totally understand people make mistakes. I literally told them though, that I live an hour away. Please be considerate. I don't like wasting anyone's time. I feel as if they are equal and deserve the opportunity to have someone there that deserves it. Let’s just say I don’t like wasting my time. Complete waste. Honestly. I was running around there like a chicken with my head cut off. The interview was completely unconventional. To say the least, I do not like it there, hehe. So, I kept looking.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Doing my best.

 May 15th, 2022

I didn’t tell you guys. I haven’t been feeling too well. Lady things. On the 13th though I managed to hop in a tattoo shop for Friday the 13th! I’m super excited to show you. I wish they hurt a little more than they do! Ugh! It was so needed. They shaded one of my pieces and I might go back for them to shade the rest on my arm anyways. I had an overall idea for the left arm. I wanted to make it a sticker arm more so, so I can get all the little things I want to make it all piece together to make a big art piece. But for that, I was going to get everything blank first and then see what I wanted to do. I know for sure I wanted to get a paintbrush stroke over all of my stickers and where the “paint” hit, I wanted it to be filled in with color and shade and made with more realism. The guy at the studio recommended shading everything and then just going back with color where the paint hits. I honestly might just do that. 

Besides Friday the 13th fun, yesterday was murderous in my tummy so I sat yesterday out. I literally laid in bed all day wallering around like a seal just out of the sea. Sliding around making weird noises. 🌝 I had the best person beside me though so it didn’t even matter. We still had a great day. 

Today on the other hand. I had to catch you up! My mistake! I Am working in Port St. Lucie once again. All to help where I can and make a couple of dollars. It’s been more than slow I should say. I’ve been just scooting along. Lmfao. At least my mind is for the most part at rest. I’m learNing from the best on patience. He’s keeping me sane during these trying times. Having to deal with my car, work, trying to find a time to go to the courthouse to sue. Just everything could be so much worse in my head. It usually is but I’ve been doing pretty good. I’ve still be editing and doing my best to keep up with content. I’m working on a tik-tok dance so y’all stayed tuned!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

If only..

 May 12th, 2022 

If only I could change the world and the way we view things, and one another. T had an amazing idea the other day and he told me I should start going live on Facebook and Instagram and start answering questions that you may have. I also finally made an account with TikTok and I was thinking maybe question answering videos. Whether you’re in a sticky situation or just generally curious how I handle things. Please comment, message me, anything! I want your voice to be heard as well. I want to be able to help you!

Other than that I guess I had a day off. I cleaned out my rabbit cage and my room some. Got to posting for you as well as writing. Went to the skatepark. Man was that fun. I am constantly creating too. I’ve been enjoying every bit for the most part! 

Monday, June 13, 2022

A little help goes a long way.

 May 11th, 2022

Today was fairly easy. I didn’t have much to do. Helping out some of the team with the slingshots and getting their oil life so they know what to get and how much of it. I’m sure it helped a lot. I honestly did bad and drank a lil today just for shits and giggles. But why not. A nap wasn’t so bad either hehe. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

More and more business..

 May 10th, 2022

May 10th, 2022

This day in time was a good one. Woke up feeling refreshed. Usually, I wake up dragging ass. Got ready for the day. I posted and wrote to you. I practiced my editing. I finally downloaded tik too but I haven’t made an account yet. Baby steps. I’m still a little skeptical about it. I ended up brainstorming quite a bit too. I was thinking about creating or developing an application like “Cerebral”. I love the idea that you can get help through the app. I don’t like the medication idea though. As you know. That’s why we’re here. Writing. I still haven’t been able to come up with a good way to have a safe space for people to communicate with one another about the things that trouble us with people who share common struggles and be able to help one another out. As well as always having someone to talk to. I know that one’s very important. So I was thinking maybe try making this app for everyone to be able to communicate 24/7 so no one is alone. Ever. Be able for you to write your own anonymous posts as well unlike my blog. I’ve tried a bunch of different functions with Blogger but none of which I’ve been wanting for you. Besides that though, I’m sure you get the main idea. I’ve been still thinking about doing the t-shirts and branding the business. I want to definitely branch out and maybe use the app for more branding. Help sell the items I want to create to let you know every day, you are important. You do matter. I care. I am here. On any daily thing you use so it’s a constant reminder. 

On the hard work side of things, I got the rest of the slingshots cleaned up! I fixed the pavers once more. I stitched up some of the tents for the “cabana city”. Fixed and reset the corners. That was our downfall the first time. Hey at least they are up and still up. Doing their job. I’m excited about it! I’m sure “swimply” is too! :)

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Earlier days starting.

 May 9th, 2022

I’m up early for once, I got some things done already this morning! I was drained after yesterday and the night before. I had to work all day yesterday. Then rush home to get a couple hours of sleep before we rushed to pick up some friends and take them to the airport. Rushed home again, slept for a couple of hours to wake up and head out to the beach. It was a very mobile day. Very relaxing once we got back home! The sun was being murderous so we called it early.

Other than yesterday really, today was pretty eventful too! Went for a beautiful walk. Played around with the doggo in the little water thing. That was funny. She enjoyed it so much! I even picked some blackberries. We got some good pictures. OUUU there was even a nice swing. I adore the little area. 

After that, I got ready for work and washed some slingshots. There was only two I could get to I was kind of upset about it. I’m ready to be done driving up there to clean them! I’ll be damned lol. I wish he’d rent a different set of three! Lmfao. It’s okay though. I guess I can try to get out there earlier tomorrow. I ended up eating a lot today. That was good. I ended up getting sick because of it too… Oh well. I walked around Old Town and got a couple of things for a few at home. :) It was a good day.

Thursday, June 2, 2022


 May 8th,2022 

It’s definitely a jump. My apologies. I’ve been mad busy. I ended up needing a break and called for a beach day. I had so much fun. Found a bunch of sea shells. Met a couple of cute puppies. Played with a crab. He was soooo cute! He didn’t seem to like us tok much. Hahah he kept running! It was so funny! Needless to say it was a better day. I didn’t have to worry about anything. All the vibes were right for sure. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Wee bit upset, if you will.

 May 5th, 2022

    What happened on this day? I know I worked. I got this nice letter in the mail I believe from the insurance. Man oh man it was a day. I went on a whole tangent about it in IRL, you probably don't want it either. Turns out though, homegirl didn't have insurance. So... what do you think I should do?

Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 May 4th, 2022

Today is a good one. I got a headstart on the workday. Knocked out washing some slingshots again and earlier I hung fans in all of the cabanas. I sweat like no other today. It was so hot. I went to go see Ruby. It’s been a while it feels like. I miss her. 

On the other hand, I came home and worked on some blogs. I need to post, speaking of the devil. It’s not like you guys want the newest. Hahah. Not that I would know. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Gloom is setting in

 May 3rd, 2022

It was a very sleepy day. Rather gloomy. It was rainy so I decided to stay home. It was the best choice. I got to get a couple of things done around my house. Washed a load of clothes. The putting up part I started and then decided let’s not. I also had a chance to clean out my car some… well vacuumed anyways. I’ve been getting a lot of sleep though to be honest. Heheh I don’t mind. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Backstory on the 28th. Day of the accident.

 April 28th, 2022

I woke up very positive this morning. Really good vibes floating around for the day. I was supposed to be doing a few things to help my friends out but it looks like it didn’t end up that way. I was driving down 192, and all I know is there is some red car in the middle of the road, so I slammed on my brakes and still managed to hit her. As infuriated as I was I got out and checked everything. Called the police. The EMT’s and firefighters saw the accident and they stopped amd blocked the road while we were waiting for the cops. The girl was definitely not in the right state of mind. She was in a rush she said and told me, “If you would have slowed down, I would of had time.” Is it just me or am I just as shocked as you that it came out of her mouth? I just couldn’t believe it. More than half my day wasted and my hard work destroyed.

Besides that I drove halfway to work with a busted up car with pieces falling out of the bottom. Decided I just needed the day off. Insurance took so long to deal with. By the time I would have gotten there, the sun would have went down. That made me upset. So I decided to relax and smoke. Sleep some more. 


Keep on pushing through.

 May 2nd, 2022

Man it’s been a rough time. My car is messed up. I’m still waiting to hear back from the adjuster from the girls insurance. It’s been hell. I can’t open my passenger door. My car hood doesn’t shut anymore so it just flaps and claps. Oh well. I’m time they will fix it. I’ve been creating more though and trying to stay positive. I’ve been going skating too. Trying to keep my mind off of things. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Doing the best I can ATM.

 April 29th, 2022

It’s an early morning, I get to talk to you and check out more listings. I ate something small. I thought was pretty good. I didn’t really want to eat. Still did anyway. I have to work today so that will be fun. Lmfao sike. At least it’s with my friends and helping out where I can.  Doing my best to stay optimistic. At least my car still drives. 

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Stress kills man.

 April 28th, 2022

    I’ve been tired but moving. I got into an accident today. On the way to grab my friend to get a car. That was interesting. I’ve had a day. I still can’t get over the fact that it happened. I’ll have to post pictures and show you. I was riding down the road and next thing you know I’m slamming on my brakes to stop myself from ramming into this other car. Mind you the lady got out of the car yelling at me like it was my fault. Yoooo I was so mad I had to walk away. I was going to snap. I didn’t just work my ass off to spend that kind of money on a car just to have someone else be ignorant and impatient at the expense of someone’s life. To be completely real where I hit her car, was where her kids were sitting in the car seat. Like you have got to be joking. Do you even care? Made me sick to my stomach. 

    Besides all of that, I took the day off to relax. I needed it. My brain has been so scattered. Not even going to lie. I have been forgetting everything today. People can just fuck off today. I still love you but I’m not picking up my phone today. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Rest again? XD NO.

 April 23rd, 2022

    I have been lazy! Real freaking lazy. Lmfao. What are you gonna do about it? Jk! I can’t ask anyone to clean up my b*llsh*t and clothes. That’s my job. I made the mess. Wait, are you speaking metaphorically? Lol maybe. Maybe just speaking about the physicality of things. Who knows. I practically slept all day. Big oof. I could have done so much more. Cleaned the cage again, wash my d*mn clothes. Guys. It’s real bad this time. Let me tell you. I didn’t realize how much sh*t I was missing. Then you could say my floors could be done again too. There aren’t dishes or trash in my room I will say. So that don’t have to be done. Hasn’t been a problem. 

    I’ve been trying to keep up with the posting. It seems some days are better than others and I’m not the only one lacking here! You hear me?! Hahah! I’m jk. If I can’t make you laugh or smile it’s okay. I do my best. If anything today was a resting day. 

Friday, May 13, 2022


 April 19th, 2022

Let me just say it’s been a good productive morning. I woke up early, got some breakfast. I was craving some pancakes so IHOP it is. They had wifi so I pulled my laptop out and started working. It was so good but it messed my stomach up so bad lmfao. I went to work, and everyone was working. Doing their thing. It was a pretty easy day. Just cleaned and detailed some more of the slingshots. I got done rather fast and got to hang out for the rest of the day. That was fun. I didn’t end up doing any chores or anything though. Hahah I helped with the airbnb’s laundry, lost my beanie in the wash, hopefully, I can find that soon. I should have brought my clothes too cause heaven knows how bad it’s piled in here. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

It is the small things.

    It’s April 16th, 2022 and currently chilling at the DMV helping a friend out with some things. I’ve been having so much fun lately. But I’ve been working. Right? I have to work the kiosk tonight and I’m waiting on a damn chair so I can comfortably talk to you. I can hook up my laptop to wifi and it’ll make it easier to watch everything and work. I wouldn’t be opposed to it. I’m really excited. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Busy Bee

 April 15th, 2022

It’s been busy over here. Many things going on. Everything changing so quickly. I’m still looking for a place. I haven’t done my taxes but work, let me tell you. Superior. I have been doing so much of that. From Airbnb, slingshot rentals, kiosk sales, the blog, yard work. Really landscaping. It’s a lot. I had a little bit of time for myself today before I passed out. 

I took the day to skate and have fun. Trying to do something about my mental health. Lately I’ve been losing it. I haven’t been super stressed though. Doing my best at controlling that. Controlling and thinking of my actions and reactions. Patience is still a big one. I did say I’ve been working hard, right? My mind may be a mess on the inside, but on the outside, you’d never know. ;) 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Work, work, work, work, work, work

 April 8th, 2022

It’s a chilly Friday night. I’m at work quite frankly. We got the music playing, good vibes, and good crowds here today. I was skating here at the lot to try to keep warm and surprising enough I wasn’t the only one! Some little girl had some on too! I had some people watch and record. I had a lot of fun. Lots of questions about the slingshots. Some people commented on the skates. The guy from ninja warrior comes over with a poi stick I believe and my coworker does his poi balls so it’s all a show. We had a blast. 

I got to work a little bit not much on writing to you. It’s okay though. I’m not upset. I lowkey need a taller chair to sit and set up the kiosk a little nicer. Be able to access and use it a little more. In time. We are all acclimating to it being open. Which isn’t a bad thing necessarily.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Not such a bad day, I guess.

 It’s Thursday, April 7th, 2022. I was off today, it was very nice and quiet for the most part. I haven’t been feeling good the past two days anyways so, I just used the day for rest essentially. Which is good, but not so good at the same time. My poor clothes are screaming at them to put them away lol. I attempted but it didn’t work out quite like I wanted, but it’s okay! I didn’t get to clean out my car either so I can vacuum it again, as well as detail it. I did straighten up to where my room and car are more sorted and they don’t have so much clutter. I work a lot, doing several things as you know, so I usually have a bunch of random work things in my poor car lol! 

I guess we could try for the good now hehe. I got to spend time online and on social media. Not sure if it’s all a good thing still. I did notice the things happening in this world, the way it's constantly changing. How ugly and negative everything has become. I started thinking and brainstorming ideas for a tik tok and what content to post to have more reach for sure. It will of course be mental health related and it will take on the brand name. Gave me more things to look for more like it to see structure and the best way to go about things. I also thought about more ideas for branding, like clothing, jewelry, dream catchers, keychains, start from there and build up. Maybe even try socks and beanies. Heheh, I need to be able to wear cool shit too! I am excited. I want to be able to do more for you.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Tiny Tiny!

 March 31st, 2022

It’s been eventful. The least to say. I got my oil finally changed, as well as the air and cabin filter. It was well overdue. I got the chance to go skating today too and got a video for you! I had a blast. I’m finally starting to get a grip on things. Trying to financially figure out some more things on the to-do list. I’ve been looking into getting a tiny house as you know and I found one that might just be perfect. It is in Texas but I talked to the lovey lady selling it. Turns out, she owned it for five years and lived in there by herself. She also mentioned the reason she was selling it, the simple fact she’s starting a family and needs more space! So that eliminated my worry for mold and other things. I know it meets the requirements for the lots. I just have to look into what size and where! That’s my next adventure. 

Friday, April 29, 2022

Always forgetful! heheh

 March 29th, 2022

    I need to finish off a couple of my previous blogs. Don’t let me forget. Anyways, Howdy do? How are you? Excuse my manners. It’s been pretty good for me. I don’t know if I told y’all but I signed a contract and started school right? Well scratch the contract. I figured out it was that perverts way of keeping me near him. He kept trying to have sex with me and then played the victim. After telling him numerous times he made me uncomfortable and I was uninterested, I blocked him because he kept blowing my phone up. I told him to leave me be more than three times. Sometimes you just have to. Mind you this b*llsh*t hasn’t even peaked yet! Matthew decided to send me a voice recording of him having sex with someone. So I’m sorry. I needed to vent. That was crazy. 

    So instead of working with Matthew, I’m working with an old friend and his company. Might as well. I think I got fired from Miller's? Regardless it’s okay. I didn’t need them anyway. I can do this. I can speak more and do more for you. I can keep my room a little more clean. I can work basically freely. I don’t have to deal with customer service. It’s nice. Unless I move upfront like he’s wanting. He hasn’t even started that yet. So that might be what I’m over later more so or less. You know? It won’t be customer service though. So I’m okay with it. Mentally cannot fake customer service but it’s okay! I am getting myself right. I am doing better. I know my efforts show, I am mad sunburnt for a translucent being. 

Thursday, April 28, 2022

I think things are getting done! lmfao

 March 28th, 2022

It’s Monday for sure. I’m exhausted. I don’t want to get out of bed. I’ve been washing the slingshots all day yesterday. It wasn’t bad at all. Mind you all of the people looking at them and being in the way but it’s fine. It’s part of it. Least to say, I had fun. I got to just chill essentially. I did do a bangin’ good job though I was lowkey surprised. 

Speaking of which, I might bring my car around and wash that b*tch because she’s a weeeeee bit dirty. I would at my house but there’d be a crowd here too. Except for they're perverts. So no I’m not going outside in a swimsuit and washing here. Plus there’s been a dead lizard in the hose for how long now? It got dried out and stuck and just refuses to get out. Maybe excuses. Maybe uncomfortability. Regardless. My baby needs a bath. She’ll get one hopefully soon. 

I cleaned my room too the other day! I was shocked. It took a minute. But it’s not cluttered and you can see my bed. Lmfaooo. I didn’t do the clothes. I just moved them to where they can all be together and clean. Hahahaha they will never be lonely. I need to get on them though. Don’t judge me. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Proud moments

 March 26th, 2022

    It’s been eventful for sure. I don’t know if I told you but I’m back in school, so I started the first chapter yesterday. It’s definitely going to take some time to get back into the school groove, maybe. It was kind of fun. I don’t know about you, but I love to learn. I’m constantly researching, about any and everything. Why not. Just reading in general. Reading to me is so calming. It’s like watching a movie in your brain that you created with the imagery inspired by the author. It’s incredible to me. One thing I’ve learned too, is knowledge is power. The more you know huh? Literally.

    On the other hand I’ve been having fun, hanging out, while working and doing school at the same time. I’ve been proud I can juggle it all and still keep afloat.

Friday, April 22, 2022

HAHA ! Yay for now!

     Today was a beautiful one. It was very eventful. I will say that to the least. It’s friday March 25th, 2022. It sure feels like one. You know I’ve been busy but all the right kinds of busy! I’ve been getting out and active! I have been skating more for sure. I have also been just enjoying myself out with some friends. I just signed a contract for work. Y’all remember the Airbnb I used to do right? Well it’s coming back. In full swing. I’m going to be starting with a small houseboat. ;)  I’m so fucking excited. I finally got to where I don’t have to serve anymore. I work for myself, essentially. When I get where I want to be it’ll all be mine! :) 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Big OOF at myself!

 March 21st, 2022

This was as far as I got today. Just the date mind you. I do apologize. I got distracted, ended up forgetting what I did that day too. This is what happens to my poor scatterbrain. LOL! We have to stay focused!

Monday, April 18, 2022

Sorry, I'm late!

    Man, it has been rough for me. It’s Thursday, March 18th, 2022. I’ve been off for three days really. Been drunk for two of them. I should be honest. I haven’t been taking proper care of myself. I will be fine. Another one down the drain for what? Another useless relationship. Platonic or not. Evidently is all it was. Whatever. I get time for me now. That’s all that matters. Self care was turned into, “we all finna be a bartender now”. Self already has a drink. I’ll be damned. Anyways, I will get better. What I should be doing is cleaning my damn room. My clothes definitely have been feeling neglected. On top of that my car, boy let me tell you. She is screaming in agony. She is so dirty, inside and out I haven’t had time to clean her. 

Let’s just say I’ve got some things to do.

Friday, April 8, 2022

It's unpromising.

 March 15th, 2022

It’s been a very busy and productive week. I started a new job not too long ago after Sake. I was unsure of how promising it was. Seemed risky but oh well. Never know until we try. I got suspended from Miller’s. This bartender keeps trying me, and we all know how I am at this point and I finally went off. I told her I was going to drag her by her hair, that was her warning. I’ve been quiet and ignoring the immaturity but I finally snapped. It was enough. It’s okay though. Maybe it was all supposed to happen. There was a reason. I haven’t really had time for myself. It’s okay. I have still been taking care of business at home, trying my best to keep it clean. Day in and out. Working like always. That doesn’t stop.

Newly enough, I have more content for you. I have been posting! Try to keep up! I’m going to continue to add photos to everything. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Getting it going

    It’s March 10th, 2022 and I’ve been extremely busy. I am super excited about the different changes that are to be coming to my life. I’ve started working with a company that builds tiny houses and they need help with the marketing. Which I do every day for you, so why not do a little bit more about something else I have always been passionate about. I’ve gotten the comment from someone years ago saying, “you just want everything tiny!”  I say economically savvy.

    I have been better and have been posting more. I have been keeping up. I’m proud. I’ve been writing to you. Maybe not every day like I’d like but hey we got give and take here, only so much I can do working full time, bunny momma full time, as well as another job. With the art that I started as well! I finally got a draft I think of how I want to lay out this first poem. I’m still deciding. 

    I got a lot more and new content for you as you wish! It’s been pretty eventful for me so some good pictures indeed!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Going back tiny soon!

March 7th, 2022

It’s Monday! Please don’t kill me! I know I’ve been down and out! We all need help sometimes! But I haven’t been entirely useless. I haven’t been talking to you much but I have been making updates and posts for you! You can always see what I’m up to! I’ve been looking into tiny houses again! You already know how much my household stresses me. I need a change. I need it now. I know in time. I’m not patient though. It is what it is. I’m excited to see what I find.

I have also heard about this new promotion going out at work and I went for it. Let’s just say they were happy I was there. I got it. Surprisingly at Miller’s. At Sake, they filled me into the schedule. That’s exciting. I might land a marketing job, it may be almost out of range. Maybe though.

I did a little self care today too. I went shopping lol. I didn’t really need to do that but fuck it. I had fun. It felt good to get out. It was a very pretty day today. 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Oops, I thought I posted!

 February 28th, 2022

    I know I need to get on more, but I’ve been hustling for a new job and ended up landing one! I got hired on at sake bar! I started today. Let’s just say it’s super simple and I almost feel like I’m going back in time serving sushi. I never minded serving it. I’ve always preferred the hibatchi menu anyways. They said I could start serving tomorrow! While I was there today, they really just made me go over the menu and work with the POS. (Point of sale) system. That was more than simplified. I honestly made a couple of reference or note pages to refresh my brain on all the sushi rolls and all of what they have to serve. When I served sushi last time, it was a smaller menu and they didn’t have Asian food either, plus it was back home, in downtown. Man, so many memories. I know when I worked there though I was buying and smoking like an ounce a day. Lmdaooo oops. 

    On the other hand, I created a page on Facebook to help reach out more. To try to help others as well. I hope it works. I have videos and things to edit still. I just haven’t gotten to them yet. I’m starting to upload more pictures on the blog and social media for more content to see. I hope it puts a smile on your face like it does mine. We all deserve a smile. All to be happy too. Whatever it may be. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

This was in February, I just forgot to put the date.. :)

     Today was such a happy, fun, and overall great day. I met a bunch of really cool, good-hearted people. One was a therapist, then a chakra healer, as well as a young girl who’s mature for her age for sure. I just so happened to go skating today huh? Something just kept telling me to go. 

     Before I went I cleaned out my car, started the damn clothes, and cleaned up my room some. I put clothes away, sorted them, came to the realization I still need more hangers Lmfao! I took out all of the trash from my car and detailed the inside, which was much needed. For my room, I needed to put the bed back together from where I washed it. It is what it is. I needed to sweep and put things away because it’s a small space. I always have to make do. Hopefully, it’ll all change soon. I just got to keep my eye on the prize. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Don't forget to smile today!

Getting something done!

 February 23rd, 2022

Today was such a good one! Earlier this morning I ran to the bank, got myself up and early to be productive. I’ve been needing to clean again. So of course afterward I had to tackle my clothes. That’s a never-ending battle. Lmfao. Did the trash. Cleaned out my car. Only vacuumed out half of it because of anxiety but it’s okay! Lmfaooo! There were so many people at the car wash. 

Besides that, yesterday was banging too. Looking forward to being more of an optimist again. I need to think more positive. I need to work on that. Sometimes I forget too. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

The beauty in the madness.

     Today is February 22nd, 2022. It is a fucking Tuesday. Let me tell you. Today was a damn drag at work. I don’t like working nights. I don’t. Quite frankly I’d rather work in the mornings. I really ain’t a morning person either. They are making us convert over our cash and put it onto a card. I’m not understanding. It’s a cash industry. Why are we taking cash out of a cash industry? Oh well, it may be time to find a different profession. 

On the other hand, it’s been very hard to keep writing and editing, and juggling everything for you. I am trying my best to keep you informed and keeping things under control. In time I will figure it out. 

It’s been a mess here lately but a rather beautiful one. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Have you noticed?

 February 21th, 2022

It’s been a very busy few days. I’ve been working like no other. My body is exhausted physically. Miller’s hasn’t been so bad. I have been able to start getting back into the groove. I have been killing it though. Everyone’s been saying it. Even more than before. When I get into the window, the cooks ask me what I need. It’s nice. I always tell them encouraging things throughout all of the shift though. QA lets me takeover more so of the time if I need something. Its usually not for my tables though because I try to help run as much food as possible. I know I need help running my own at times so I help when I can. I even try helping the hostesses and bussers. Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

I haven’t spoken to you in a few days but I have been improving the site. In the few and little times between I managed to do that. I hope you take notice! You know I always love feedback to get better and better to help you. 

Donate to Aid Lauren & Tristan's Long Road of Recovery UPDATE: 12-11-2024      I have filed some Motions against the...