Sunday, January 2, 2022

It takes time.

 Happy Monday! Lol it’s November 30th, 2021. I was supposed to work at Miller’s this morning but I had to fill out paperwork from them to actually start showing up on the schedule. Well this process is done online. I never got the email. So I called this morning and they told me to wait thirty minutes and call back because he was in the middle of another interview. So many new people that’s unreal. I saw one girl hired, and 5 others at orientation. Oh well, they do have a strict policy over there. I don’t mind it. I can comply with that. It’s just I don’t want to mess this up. I really want this job. I’ve been wanting to get in for two years. I thought they didn’t like me and thought they were playing with me. 

So, I called back, 24ish minutes later because, for one, how can it take that long? Two, I’ve done enough in my life to know they don’t need to be long. It is what it is though. So when they answered this time it was Shawn. I told him I still never received an email and they told me it was a system error. They wanted me to come in and do it all manually. That made things a lot better. The team seems nice, a lot are new. The dress code is pretty cool too. I can’t wait to actually start serving. 

I got home kind of later than expected. I wanted to straighten things up and do some clothes. I was late to my other job because of it. It was honestly long overdue though. I only have one shirt for them and one washer and dryer with a million people who live here it seems. That and when am I actually here to wash them? I don’t get enough time sometimes. At least my clothes are all clean again. I need to put them up so I can properly dress myself lol. I almost left my book again last night so I could write and get it all out again. I was so mad at myself. They would know if they read it though that I am upset as mess. They told me I’d be getting a raise but they haven’t yet and this was three weeks ago. They ignore everything I say and ask them. It’s one hell of a drag working there sometimes.


  1. Don't stress things will work themselves out for you especially if your a good person like you seem


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